Insight into my life......

CJC.... what a great school

Saturday, March 08, 2008

A level update!!!!!!!! As wildly anticipated by some people -.-'''''''''

So, right, i have been too busy partying over the past few days to bother updating cos basically, ALL MY GRADES ARE IN THE PEE MY PANTS RANGE!!!!!!!. More on that later.

Some of u may remember how i constantly lament that state of obsession MOE has over academic grades. Well, i can finally see the upside to this.

If widespread reports of "extensive moderation" are to be believed, i propose a toast to the people who came up with our bold new syllabus and their everpresent eagerness to live up to it's supposed success.

They were so desperate to show that it worked that i, and several of my frens, recieved our highest grades all JC long !!!!111!!!!1!!!!ONE!!!!!11!!!!ONE!!!!!!!!1!!!

Apparently, even tho moderation was carried out, overall passes DROPPED!!!! However, i for one am NOT complaining. Neither should u. Yes, i mean u. Apparently, some subjects might have been moderated up to 5 grades in the positive direction. o.O

Anyway, on to the incredible sweaty palm friday. So in the morning, i followed f23 to the newater plant, partly to smell the sweet scent of crap before getting to drink the crap and getting crap on paper, and partly to scout out potential drowning sites.

Awyong was with me on both accounts, oh wait, he's guaranteed several As so i'm on my own here zzzzzzzz. Anyway, i met some jeston frens and we had a lot of fun ....err........discussing, ya that's right, DISCUSSING him rofl.

After viewing their quintessentially singaporean video clips of SUPREME ULTIMATE TRUTH with regards to newater, we proceded to load ourselves with that stuff in order to prep for what was to come.

By the time i arrived back at GMSS it was sorta kinda FRICKING LATE, and the other 2 had to see me in my frenzied state.....paiseh.

Rode a cab to cj, where i meticulously gelled my hair to impress all avaliable porcupines and hedgehogs (hey pretty lady~~~), but then i entered the hallowed grounds of cj and realised that my class was nowhere in sight.

As luck would have it, i met ronald chan, former maths club vp and anime fan (holla!) and late night talk show host. So we joined his class at the canteen and chatted with his bald (pfffft rofl) classmates .

All that time i was tortured by the temptimg whafts from the stalls i was SUPPOSED to enjoy ............ i got newater instead.

Met my old pal and gp teacher Mr lester lim. He's gonna do his masters!!!! and i'm gonna get owned!!!!

Anyway, that obliging tidbit tease revealed that my class passed GP, yup, everyone, and we got more As for gp than his home class (dance, baby, dance!!!!). I assured everyone within earshot that i would not be one of the As.

Apparently the class was chilling and freezing in the library so i only met them minutes prior to chernobyl.We exchanged gifts, stares, and taupoks before we were ushered and dragged into the PAC (performing arts centre or Phinished And receiving Crap)

Instantly, i saw numerous nervous faces and some familiar faces.........then i saw HER, miss lee, the ONE with MY precious, preeeeeciiiooooooouuuussssss, result slip.

I said hi, and was given the pleasure of a sour face and "oh, jovi............." as a response.........that sorta confirmed in my mind that i flunked miserably and that i should contact the newater plant asap.

After waiting for an eternity, punctuated by attemps by the hammered bro paul to compare alvan's fabulous gigantic mane to others' new jungle look, as well as meeting old classmates in various stages of physical, mental, and moral decay, bro paul made his way up to the stage to deliver the fatal blow (quick and painless it was NOT)

His opening slide read " A level results (duh) Be good, Do good, For the good of others", the school ethos for our batch.

That set our collective minds thinking, there MUST be a code hidden inside those words. In the end, t24's creative mind prevailed and we solved it in under 2 minutes, EVEN before bro paul spoke his 1st words.

Now look carefully folks, this is sheer GENIUS (not solely mine, but a class effort). I shall BOLD the important parts for your convenience:

Be good, Do good, For the good of others.

See it now?

Ok, i shall explain. In our minds, we predicted an unprecedented slaughter of astronomical proportions. Therefore, he was trying to tell us that

B is good,

D is good,

while F is good for OTHERS!!!!,

which made sense cos they would mod up, which they did XD.

So anyway, he proceeded to show us that last yr's a lvl results was the best in 10 yrs. OK, we've heard that b4............... then the next slide was "THIS YR" and blank at the bottom...we were like : it's gonna be worst in 10 yrs..................then..............................

BEST IN ELEVEN YRS!!!!! O.o o.O O.o o.O

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheers filled the PAC. Bro paul wanted that reaction and he GOT it, BIG TIME.

At this point i had a glimmer of hope that i MIGHT have passed a few subjects.

He went on to yadda yadda yadda about the top scorers whom i shall not all mention here as most of them were expected/ unknown cosmic entities.

However, some did stand out.

Kudos to Soon Huat, who vowed to kick SJI's ass and did so not only at O level but A level as well!!! GOOD JOB!!!! Nice hair!!!

And Choong Jan Tai Lionel, for beating the odds and rising from an S for GP at prelims to an A at a level.

To put this in perspective, i would now like to state that a prominent member of my class who usually TOPPED the class for GP got a B. Oh my, things are gonna get a little bitchy! Lionel's soooo gonna get taupoked later.

Anyway, bro paul next gave us a blow by blow of how each subject did. Quite a lot of 100% passes and H1 lit topped the charts at 56.8% distinction.

Wait, is this the same H1 lit that I took? OMG!!!!!! Whoohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's right t7 gals, i'm right there with ya.

H2 physics at 99.4% pass i was not that worried about.

H2 econ at 95.3 % pass for sure was due to moderation cos the paper was @@.

H2 maths 96.5% pass.......expected la.

GP 91.2% pass...............i m stunned.

Hopefully i was not part of the minority.

Anyway, after preliminary celebrations, we left for the classrooms where we would receive the paper of doom.

Our directionally challenged class was dum enough to miss all signs, signals, and divine intervention which clearly stated to head to the SECOND floor.

Instead we climbed the stairs all the way to the FIFTH floor to our old classroom and found that it had been CLEANED. o.O

While some could not contain their grief, others just sighed at what was lost, our sty held SO many memories, rotten cake, huge lantern, and all.

Now it was, dare i say it, PRETTY, as in pretty bleah.

After this brief setback, we squeezed in with t25 in a tiny classroom on the second floor while Miss Lee gave out random magazines and brochures ONE by ONE, a slow process.

After an eternity, she started reading out INDEX NUMBER....Being a Wong did not bode well.

I saw majority of my classmates getting at least one A, which i felt relieved. If their grades were moderated THAT much i'm sure mine must have been too. XD.

I was standing behind a certain bob and after he got his paper, i was praying that i would pass.

FINALLY, miss lee gave me a nod of approval (which was much needed)...........................then i looked down and beheld..........



I proceeded to dance around the classroom just vaguely aware of the increasing numbers of switched on handphone cameras pointed in my direction and cynical laughter around me.

I might have even done a few cartwheels, after which i was pleased no one got hurt. (oh well, what happens in CJ stays on youtube.)

At this point, i gave my result slip a closer look:

Econ C (well, duh, i thought i would fail, so this is a good DEAL. Thanks Miss Lee for being the BEST econs teacher and inspiring me to teach!!!!!!)

Maths B (the indra's and keli's of singapore deserved the As. Mrs Felicia Koh, u rock. U guided my path as greatly as miss lee did.)

Phy A (huh? i NEVER in my jc life got an A, and now this? physics? this was supposed to be worse than my maths!!!! oh well, i'm not complaining! Thanks MOE and dear alphonsus. Keep linking up with nobel prize winners.)

H1 Lit A (56.8% hard to miss eh? MUAHAHA sji, this is revenge for strapping me down to 8 subjects at O level, thus rendering me paralysed with regards to this wonderful subject. But all turned out well as REVENGE was a dish best served on an A level cert. However, for a subject i never got higher than 54/100, which is a D, this is pretty stunning. Mr Pang, fellow victim of lower sec geog teacher XD, thanks for relighting my passion for LIT. I knew i hadn't lost too much of my lower sec lit lol.)

GP A (anything less would have been blasphemous after LIONEL got his A, but before that i fully expected a C, oh well, stranger things have happened, see physics, for instance. Mr lester lim, u have done well coping with t24. gd luck for ur masters.)

Oh well, this means my university score is officially 82.5/ 90. Not too bad for a perennial maximum reward for minimum effort dude, if i do say so myself.

So to all who received their results on last friday, hopefully u all will chart forawrd towards your bright future. Explore all avenues of progress and check if MOE mods up the next batch too!!! For more info regarding what happened after this bizzare day, ask me personally.

Peace out!

Monday, March 03, 2008

for your info, ladies and gentlemen,


1. The results of the 2007 Singapore-Cambridge GCE Advanced Level Examination will be released on Friday, 7 March 2008.

2. School candidates may obtain their result slips from their respective schools from 2.30 pm on 7 March 2008.

3. Private candidates will be able to obtain their results through the Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board’s website ( after 2.30 pm on 7 March 2008. They will also be notified of their results by post.


2T24 ppl, see u soon!!!!

Esp, tommy, ircahn, jeremy, mathieu, soon huat, wei kann, alvan, shi jie, victor, lionel, the 3 gals, VERY GD LK to u all!!!!

Same to my non t24 frens,

t7 H1 lit people, as well as chris and edward,

t9 H1 lit people like leonard and nehneh,

t13 Jackie,

t17 ronald, yongjian and benjamin,

t21 mingyuen,

t 22 han wei and frens,

t26 yun hao,

Bridge Club people,

Qingguang and Andrea from choir,

Lester from council,

former SJI frens currently in CJ,

Indra and Keli, fellow teaching interns at gmss,

Su Nguan, Limin, and all other NIE Training Room 25 interns,

former SJI frens in other JCs like jianwei and phillip.

As to other personal VIPs in CJ and elsewhere which i could not mention here due to amnesia, gd lk too!!!

Peace out, sorry, this is irrelevant to gmss ppl again :P

Sunday, March 02, 2008

YOYOYO!!!!!! Homies, it's time for da bomb to hit the fan. KNN officially projects that the countdown to A level results is FIVE days (that's right, 7 March is reportedly the magic date). Thanks to a certain dihorrea of the mouth website and Su Nguan u smug !@#$%. Ladies and gentlemen, prepare yourselves for the annual A level Craptastica festival, coming to a school near you.

I shall officially announce my expectations before the slaughter begins.

firstly, the worst possible outcome before i seriously consider self mutilation:




ECON H2 U (damn serious)


secondly, the sorta kind expected-ish grades which would make me heave a sigh of relief.




ECON S/E (as stated above)


and finally, the following is a list of grades which if i miraculously recieve, i shall pee my pants in glorious fashion and give everyone who reads my shit a virtual hug. Real ones must pay money.




ECON D (no, seriously!!!!)


As u can see, not a single A. If through the work of some higher power i get one of those trophies, some of my gd frens can expect something good ;)

I may update again after ALCF 2008. See u then.

GMSS students, this has nothing to do with u. :P

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Ah ma, I know u r reading this now. Wongjay owes me $50.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

new update!!!!!!!

School is fun like siao. now teaching f 1-1 (top sec 1 class) and h 1-1 (normal acad).

The f 1-1 ppl think i joke too much instead of jamming info and textbook crap down their throats. Perhaps they would like to check up the terms entertaining and lesson in the dictionary. They might find that putting them together would make a rather pleasant experience!!! But the majority is still fun happy and optimistic. they are a joy to teach.

h 1-1. they all ah, sooooooooo noisy, i want to joke also cannot. they say my voice soft o.O must be every single other teacher nag them until they deaf liao. haiz..........but mostly hor, they still willing to learn la, so i think they can all make it one.

f 1-5 tuition group. u all rox!!!!!! Next time anyone wants private tution can call me.

That's all. A level results will be out soon!!! Gd lk to my buddies!!!!!! We've been duped five fridays in a row.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

OFFICIAL end to teaching internship.............but not quite the actual end.

Now that i'm done with my maths, it's time to move on to frickin english, and maybe say gdbye to some cool gmss frens.


Wei Lin.

U r a smart kid, keep working on ur english and i'm sure u can be promoted. U have great drive and determination. Just stop spamming nudges on msn!!!!!! U my brudder!!!

Peck Han.

In class u quite docile, then i found out u addicted to HALO!!!! lololol U damn funny on msn. suddenly u like become a prominent member of my F1-5 favourites club!!! Good for u!!! Silence! I kill u!!!

Seat Yan Ting (bobblehead)

Thanks for being a game show assistant during my last lesson! U r incredibly lovable and were a joy to teach. Hope u do really well. Definitely my potential top student in the personality department.

Jeanette (Heeheehee)

How dare u ruin my outdoor activity with your incessant shouts of BLUR KING!!!!!! just kidding lol. U are really whacky and cool. Thanks for writing so much stuff at the end of my worksheets!!!

Qian Hui.

Always speaking your mind, never hesitating to ask questions. Excellent listener and great learner. Mr Awyong drives me crazy by always mentioning u in the staff room, so i guess its worth something.


OMG u energiser bunny! Mr Awyong wanted to play a prank on u by setting u the hardest question on the quiz. He likes u ALOT. I think u might want to consider getting more contact lens tips from miss yong. As for me, i hide extra sweets in random places. Try and find them!

Zhao Xuan and Chi Leng

STOP ASKING ME FOR $$$$$!!!!!!!!!!! U 2 made my life in school extra special. Thanks for your help and support.

Chi Yean

Let other people answer la. I know u know a lot but give the quiet people a chance pls. U can make it big. Confirm. U might want to consider being a discipline mistress when u grow up. No pun intended.

Tan Yan Ting

Sorry to hear that u kena SABO to be monitress, but u r doing a great job!!! Keep it Up!!!


You? monitor? I dont believe it. Yan Ting is doing most of your job!!! Aiyoh!!! Go home and enjoy your pizza. (does robotic noise) lol

Chee Lee

U fall asleep in class then wake up and do miracles on the test. Professional sia. Good luck sitting next to caleb.




U r potentially the smartest kid in the class. Thanks for participating during my lesson. Sorry u cant sit next to anyone in class.


Wheee! Submarines and helicopters!!!! u r good at art and miss yong just cant let go of u!!!! Have fun. I'm sure u will.

Jing Ting

U got full marks once. U can do it again.


I will NOT give u my fone number even if u sit on me. And it's amazing how much u can consume in 35 minutes!!!

I know it is pretty hard to stop ryan from eating but please try. It will lengthen his lifespan such that he can still be in class the ENTIRE year. XD

Jia Jie
U are ultra commited. in teacher's eyes a model student. But dont neglect ur social life ok? U may need the other members of f 1-5 someday. but other than that, u r a class act all the way! Keep it up.

Is there something going on between u and jeanette? i wish u the best of luck.

U attention grabber! lol. always hi blur king! bye blur king! But in the end u still really fun to be around. Hope u do well in everything u do.

The rest of the class.....

U made my stay in f 1-5 fabulous and fun. I will miss u all.


Shaddafa**up u freak!!! Keep working at those DnT projects. U sure win one. If u don't, i keel u!!! Being always taupoked must have left u with pretty thick skin. Hope to see u in the front of the class again u slave!!!!! rofl. To summarise my sentiments about u, please visit

Cheeky anti-gae dude!!!!! Stop picking on my sec 1s!!!!! lol. They send u virus is damn suay but..............oh well.

Wei Quan
Bon Jovi is maybe worth idolising, but not me. XD

Try your best to quit picking on jianming. i know he is a little goofy sometimes but he does not deserve most of it lor. Even tho it may be funny for 5 minutes, it gets reeeeeeeeeeeal old reeeeeeeeeeal fast. Anyway, your loud mouth has some good moments too. Battle of the rows would not be the same without u. Wrong la Chee By*!!!!!! roflmao.

U have loads of potential, just dont be too bothered by afred and the rest of the class. u laugh at my jokes is like more than enough for me to u u rock!!! lol

Wei Jing
MR WONG!!!!! lol. U seem the most receptive to me teaching maths. Hope u improve lots. i KNOW u can one!!!! Si bei hoh!!!

Ben Leong
Ur hitler jokes are really funny!!! The 1st one in h3-2 to luff at my craptastic jokes. My brudder for long long sia. Keep jeston on a leash for me.

Shi Jie
Try to improve ur dota skillz so the people stop calling u nooble. I think it is undeserved. If they insist on making fun of u, they r really hum!!!

Other Ben
Ur phone conversation with f 3-2 aik teck was really rofl funny. Try not to break anymore chairs ok?

Benko Gang (Harry, KC, KY, sheng en, etc)
U all play lan, pool, bowling, all super fun. Ur clique seems strong. Keep it that way. A special shout out to KY for losing graciously to me at pool, and also to SE for beating me even tho insisting that u r noob.XD

Xiang Ying
U have a really pleasant personality. Have fun with your class until u all leave school ok?

Ur self proclaimed bimboliciousness is well known, but it makes u unique and special, which, if nothing else, gets u a special mention on my blog. I'm sure miss yong misses u too!!! huggies!!!

Other gals
U all very tightly knit. That's gd cos u all have to deal with the guys on a daily basis. Just keep doing what u r doing and good things will come ur way.


Suaku girl!!!!! y u call me suaku??? lol

Hui Jun
U are a really nice person. AND u luff at my crap even tho it's not funny at all XD. Thanks a big huge lot. U r cool in my book!!!

Sushi Crew (Junie, Anne, Li Ying)
Y U SABO ME TIO 5 TIMES IN A ROW!!!!!!!!!! piang eh.and i nvr suspected a thing...haiz

Anyway, junie, don always pissed off leh..............sometimes happy pills work wonders.

Anne, dealing with alread as a cousin, i wouldnt want to be in your shoes XD, the differences are endless!!! the fact that u 2 are even distantly related boggles the mind. lol.

Li ying, ur halfway jokes always leave us dotzzzzz. try coming up with REAL punchlines and conclusions!!! lol

Aik Teck
U are a funny guy!!!! Try not to win too many grammies!!! They may prevent u from reaping even greater long term rewards!!!

Terence and Arun
Jeff Dunham all the way man!!!!!! the 1st frens i made in f3-2. and yes, terence, u DO love to shout.

Here's something for u: googoo? gaagaa? mommmmiiiiieee!!!!!!! roflmao

The rest of the best sec 3 camp class!

Oh mama wo xi huan!!!! lol. congrats and keep having fun. i will miss u all loads.

That's all i think. PEACE OUT!!!!! i'll be back in sch but maybe not in ur class..haiz.........

blur king, robot, suaku, achmed, hei yan quan, blablabla........JOVI, MR WONG........cant believe last yr i was still sitting at a desk like u all and now i'm like SIT DOWN!!! SHUT UP!!!! lol

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Hi all!!! Sorry for not updating in over a year. My trips are long gone but now i have an update!!!!

I am now a teaching intern. I've been one for 2 weeks. At GMSS. Very fun. The time spent there is clearly not wasted. I have been nicknamed blur king by my students. Quite true.

Anyway, after 2 weeks, i can say i have made a few frens...........if anyone bothers to read this.

Fellow interns:

Keli (contact lens): Your determination and organisation skillz that killz are impressive!!!!! I truly think u will do well teaching F3-2. They seem to lurve you, especially JUNIE and friend.

Indra (ice man): Steady sia u. U seem very serious yet laid back. Must be the indon spirit. Your class seems to respond well to you. H3-2 is a really cool class........don BANDON THEM!!!

Notable Students:


JUNIE: you are a real energiser bunny. I'm sure you have lots of friends. Your dramatic crying with keli after lessons is hilarious yet touching. Cool.

TERRENCE and indian friend: my achmed buddies. U guys rock. Hope we dont bring your grades down too much. I KILL U!!!! Thanks for sympathising with my sec 1 situation.


JESTON: u are funny shit right there!!! i admire ur determination this year. Sorry i pranked u, but that reaction was just so lolololol. Don't worry man, i wont do it again (i think)

Back row BEN: Hail hitler!!!! U r the only one who luffs at my jokes. Great kid.

PAI KA: take my advice.U know what i mean. ;)

F1-5: my class!!!!!! the entire group is the shit!!!

CHI LENG: i lurve ur personality so quirky and cool.

YAN TING ( BOBBLEHEAD): u are very cute and smart. good things will be in ur future.

HEEHEEHEE and HAAHAAHAA: u make my day enjoyable and ur class a pleasure to teach. tks a lot y'all

OK back to marking and prepping worksheets..............sian