Insight into my life......

CJC.... what a great school

Saturday, February 02, 2008

OFFICIAL end to teaching internship.............but not quite the actual end.

Now that i'm done with my maths, it's time to move on to frickin english, and maybe say gdbye to some cool gmss frens.


Wei Lin.

U r a smart kid, keep working on ur english and i'm sure u can be promoted. U have great drive and determination. Just stop spamming nudges on msn!!!!!! U my brudder!!!

Peck Han.

In class u quite docile, then i found out u addicted to HALO!!!! lololol U damn funny on msn. suddenly u like become a prominent member of my F1-5 favourites club!!! Good for u!!! Silence! I kill u!!!

Seat Yan Ting (bobblehead)

Thanks for being a game show assistant during my last lesson! U r incredibly lovable and were a joy to teach. Hope u do really well. Definitely my potential top student in the personality department.

Jeanette (Heeheehee)

How dare u ruin my outdoor activity with your incessant shouts of BLUR KING!!!!!! just kidding lol. U are really whacky and cool. Thanks for writing so much stuff at the end of my worksheets!!!

Qian Hui.

Always speaking your mind, never hesitating to ask questions. Excellent listener and great learner. Mr Awyong drives me crazy by always mentioning u in the staff room, so i guess its worth something.


OMG u energiser bunny! Mr Awyong wanted to play a prank on u by setting u the hardest question on the quiz. He likes u ALOT. I think u might want to consider getting more contact lens tips from miss yong. As for me, i hide extra sweets in random places. Try and find them!

Zhao Xuan and Chi Leng

STOP ASKING ME FOR $$$$$!!!!!!!!!!! U 2 made my life in school extra special. Thanks for your help and support.

Chi Yean

Let other people answer la. I know u know a lot but give the quiet people a chance pls. U can make it big. Confirm. U might want to consider being a discipline mistress when u grow up. No pun intended.

Tan Yan Ting

Sorry to hear that u kena SABO to be monitress, but u r doing a great job!!! Keep it Up!!!


You? monitor? I dont believe it. Yan Ting is doing most of your job!!! Aiyoh!!! Go home and enjoy your pizza. (does robotic noise) lol

Chee Lee

U fall asleep in class then wake up and do miracles on the test. Professional sia. Good luck sitting next to caleb.




U r potentially the smartest kid in the class. Thanks for participating during my lesson. Sorry u cant sit next to anyone in class.


Wheee! Submarines and helicopters!!!! u r good at art and miss yong just cant let go of u!!!! Have fun. I'm sure u will.

Jing Ting

U got full marks once. U can do it again.


I will NOT give u my fone number even if u sit on me. And it's amazing how much u can consume in 35 minutes!!!

I know it is pretty hard to stop ryan from eating but please try. It will lengthen his lifespan such that he can still be in class the ENTIRE year. XD

Jia Jie
U are ultra commited. in teacher's eyes a model student. But dont neglect ur social life ok? U may need the other members of f 1-5 someday. but other than that, u r a class act all the way! Keep it up.

Is there something going on between u and jeanette? i wish u the best of luck.

U attention grabber! lol. always hi blur king! bye blur king! But in the end u still really fun to be around. Hope u do well in everything u do.

The rest of the class.....

U made my stay in f 1-5 fabulous and fun. I will miss u all.


Shaddafa**up u freak!!! Keep working at those DnT projects. U sure win one. If u don't, i keel u!!! Being always taupoked must have left u with pretty thick skin. Hope to see u in the front of the class again u slave!!!!! rofl. To summarise my sentiments about u, please visit

Cheeky anti-gae dude!!!!! Stop picking on my sec 1s!!!!! lol. They send u virus is damn suay but..............oh well.

Wei Quan
Bon Jovi is maybe worth idolising, but not me. XD

Try your best to quit picking on jianming. i know he is a little goofy sometimes but he does not deserve most of it lor. Even tho it may be funny for 5 minutes, it gets reeeeeeeeeeeal old reeeeeeeeeeal fast. Anyway, your loud mouth has some good moments too. Battle of the rows would not be the same without u. Wrong la Chee By*!!!!!! roflmao.

U have loads of potential, just dont be too bothered by afred and the rest of the class. u laugh at my jokes is like more than enough for me to u u rock!!! lol

Wei Jing
MR WONG!!!!! lol. U seem the most receptive to me teaching maths. Hope u improve lots. i KNOW u can one!!!! Si bei hoh!!!

Ben Leong
Ur hitler jokes are really funny!!! The 1st one in h3-2 to luff at my craptastic jokes. My brudder for long long sia. Keep jeston on a leash for me.

Shi Jie
Try to improve ur dota skillz so the people stop calling u nooble. I think it is undeserved. If they insist on making fun of u, they r really hum!!!

Other Ben
Ur phone conversation with f 3-2 aik teck was really rofl funny. Try not to break anymore chairs ok?

Benko Gang (Harry, KC, KY, sheng en, etc)
U all play lan, pool, bowling, all super fun. Ur clique seems strong. Keep it that way. A special shout out to KY for losing graciously to me at pool, and also to SE for beating me even tho insisting that u r noob.XD

Xiang Ying
U have a really pleasant personality. Have fun with your class until u all leave school ok?

Ur self proclaimed bimboliciousness is well known, but it makes u unique and special, which, if nothing else, gets u a special mention on my blog. I'm sure miss yong misses u too!!! huggies!!!

Other gals
U all very tightly knit. That's gd cos u all have to deal with the guys on a daily basis. Just keep doing what u r doing and good things will come ur way.


Suaku girl!!!!! y u call me suaku??? lol

Hui Jun
U are a really nice person. AND u luff at my crap even tho it's not funny at all XD. Thanks a big huge lot. U r cool in my book!!!

Sushi Crew (Junie, Anne, Li Ying)
Y U SABO ME TIO 5 TIMES IN A ROW!!!!!!!!!! piang eh.and i nvr suspected a thing...haiz

Anyway, junie, don always pissed off leh..............sometimes happy pills work wonders.

Anne, dealing with alread as a cousin, i wouldnt want to be in your shoes XD, the differences are endless!!! the fact that u 2 are even distantly related boggles the mind. lol.

Li ying, ur halfway jokes always leave us dotzzzzz. try coming up with REAL punchlines and conclusions!!! lol

Aik Teck
U are a funny guy!!!! Try not to win too many grammies!!! They may prevent u from reaping even greater long term rewards!!!

Terence and Arun
Jeff Dunham all the way man!!!!!! the 1st frens i made in f3-2. and yes, terence, u DO love to shout.

Here's something for u: googoo? gaagaa? mommmmiiiiieee!!!!!!! roflmao

The rest of the best sec 3 camp class!

Oh mama wo xi huan!!!! lol. congrats and keep having fun. i will miss u all loads.

That's all i think. PEACE OUT!!!!! i'll be back in sch but maybe not in ur class..haiz.........

blur king, robot, suaku, achmed, hei yan quan, blablabla........JOVI, MR WONG........cant believe last yr i was still sitting at a desk like u all and now i'm like SIT DOWN!!! SHUT UP!!!! lol


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